
Selecting a Marriage Partner

Finding that one special partner for life is not an easy task and must not be taken lightly. Keep in mind that the people we choose that we will spend the rest of our life time, so in this case we should not fool around or just trial and error. The matrimonial partners should be able to fulfill their purpose. Normally the criteria for selecting matrimonial mates are many: wealth, beauty, rank, character, congeniality, compatibility, religion, etc. Here are some points to help you choose a life partner.

1. Sincere and honest.

When it comes to love and marriage, people expect a spouse to be completely honest. its the base of any relationship without honesty and sincerely there is nothing there is no relationship. Through honesty you build trust and by being sincere you build trust and if you trust someone then you will respect them more than you did before.

2. Appreciate the difference.

If you appreciate your spouse, but don’t express it in words, he/she will never come to know about that, and may even resent you for not appreciating her/him. To have feelings is important, and to express them is more important. This openness from the beginning of the relationship helps to depersonalize the conflicts and eliminate the hurt feelings that often arise when differences surface.


3. Maturity and Responbility.

Mature love partners have learned not to expect perfection in each other. They know that accptance has its own reward. Partners discuss goals and dreams, finding shared values and creating shared meanings.

4. Give attention.

Couples need to give each other a lot of attention to keep their relationship healthy. But everything around us seems to pull our attention away from our partner. What is left over for our mate by the end of the day may be very, very little. Often we give to the couple what we need and not what is needed by the couple. We forget that every individual is different, including our spouses. It is said that men and women are different, so emotional needs are also different. But not all the men and women understand that they have different needs.  

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